Version 1 vs 2
Version 1 vs 2
- Edit by avm99963, Version 2
- Jan 26 2021 2:26 PM
- ·Fix typos
- Edit by avm99963, Version 1
- Jan 26 2021 12:44 AM
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Content Changes
If you have found a vulnerability in software that I've developed or in one of my websites, please contact me as soon as possible using the resources you'll find at In particular, please encrypt your message using my public PGP key.
I ask you to please keep the vulnerability information private between us until the vulnerability has been fixed. As I want to hold myself to the same standards I hold others [when I report vulnerabilities to them](, I accept that the vulnerability details may be published 90 days after I receive your report, even if I don't fix the vulnerability.
I believe vulnerability details should always become public because everyone have the right to know about them and protect against them, although if there isn't evidence that a vulnerability is being actively exploited, in my opnion it's better to keep them private until either the vulnerability is fixed and the fix widely distributed, or the deadline has elapsed.
If you have found a vulnerability in software that I've developed or in one of my websites, please contact me as soon as possible using the resources you'll find at In particular, please encrypt your message using my public PGP key (I use [gnupg](, or contact me so we can find a secure way of transmitting the vulnerability details.
I ask you to please keep the vulnerability information private between us until the vulnerability has been fixed. As I want to hold myself to the same standards I hold others [when I report vulnerabilities to them](, I accept that the vulnerability details may be published 90 days after I receive your report, even if I don't fix the vulnerability.
I believe vulnerability details should always become public because everyone has the right to know about them and protect against them, although if there isn't evidence that a vulnerability is being actively exploited, in my opinion it's better to keep them private until either the vulnerability is fixed and the fix widely distributed, or the deadline has elapsed.
If you have found a vulnerability in software that I've developed or in one of my websites, please contact me as soon as possible using the resources you'll find at In particular, please encrypt your message using my public PGP key (I use [gnupg](, or contact me so we can find a secure way of transmitting the vulnerability details.
I ask you to please keep the vulnerability information private between us until the vulnerability has been fixed. As I want to hold myself to the same standards I hold others [when I report vulnerabilities to them](, I accept that the vulnerability details may be published 90 days after I receive your report, even if I don't fix the vulnerability.
I believe vulnerability details should always become public because everyone havehas the right to know about them and protect against them, although if there isn't evidence that a vulnerability is being actively exploited, in my opinion it's better to keep them private until either the vulnerability is fixed and the fix widely distributed, or the deadline has elapsed.